In 12th century the lance became longer and havier and stirups where used now all over Europe which made it possible to aim properly. This made it necessaryto protect the head with more than a nasal. First steps towards the development of the Flat Top Helmet were the broadening of the nasal and finally its replacement by a face plate. ( A face plate in contrast to a visor is not movable)
face plate already covers a large part of the front of the face, neck
and nape as well as the sides remain unprotected. The skull is still of
typical Spangenhelm design. Link to product. | |
type has already a more body shaped face plate which reaches almost to
the ears. Most important change is the skull which as a cylinder shape
now and the reenforcement band across the face. This type of helmet is
the first one to show all the features of a Bucket Helmet. Link to product. | |
few years later the eye slit was reenfoprced. Ears and nape are
completely covered only the sides of the neck are still unprotected by
the helmet. Link to product. | |
The neck is completely covered only a small part between neck and shoulder remained open. Link to product. | |
peak of Bucket Helm, Flat Top Helmet, Pot Helmet (you name it!)
development. Our replica of the Pembroke Helm shows some of the latest
improvements before this type disaperead from the battlefield and was
replaced by the Bascinet. The helmet rests on the shoulders and the face
plate is extended downwards to cover even a small part of the chest.
Also the skull was changed from a cylinder to a cone. Link to product. |
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